【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)特價我要購買【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)特價【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)特價▶官網推薦介紹➽適合戶外活動時使用語雪你看這個【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)特價。超強的啦!說實在的,到處比較價錢真的是很辛苦的一件事情,敝人發現雅虎奇摩購物要比燦坤購物且金石堂書店更有吸引力。給沛容看也說這真的折扣價蠻合理的。 (◡‿◡✿)你們再買東西時候,一般都會先上網購找便宜東西或是用yahoo搜尋,然後找便宜或折扣商品。也算是很傷腦筋事情!不過能找到低價的東西也會好咖星。這個機會真的很難得,希望跟我一樣狂掃最後超值活動!

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【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)
【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)
【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)
【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)
【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)

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Dutch Oven 鑄鐵荷蘭鍋
The Petromax Dutch Oven is the ideal companion for caravanning, camping, picnics and outdoor activities. Perfect for cooking over an open fire and in your kitchen, it allows you to enjoy cooking (e.g. vegetables, meat) in a whole new way. It features a specially designed lid that can be used as a skillet or a platter. The Petromax Dutch Oven is made of durable cast iron and has a pre-seasoned finish ready for immediate use. Prepare and cook delicious and healthy food for your friends and family with the Petromax Dutch Oven.

Product Features:

    *a truly unique taste of food thanks to the specific heat transfer around the Dutch oven
    * food (bread, meat, vegetables) is cooked very gently to preserve nutrients and vitamins
    *perfect for travel, vacation, camping and outdoor activities
    *specially designed lid that can be used as a skillet or a platter
    *pre-seasoned surface so you can place it straight in the fire and start cooking
    *optimal heat transfer thanks to its specific surface structure
    *easy temperature reading without having to lift the lid
    *notched carry handle ensures safe and comfortable handling
    *highest Petromax product quality

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Dutch Oven (3qt) 25.5cm 鑄鐵荷蘭鍋/ft3
Dutch Oven (6qt) 36.5cm 鑄鐵荷蘭鍋/ft6
Dutch Oven (9qt) 36.5cm 鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(深型)/ft9
Dutch Oven (12qt) 42cm 鑄鐵荷蘭鍋/ft12

【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)

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  3. 商品尺寸因測量方式、收納方式不同,可能造成誤差,請以實際商品尺寸為主

資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【德國 Petromax】Dutch Oven 36.5cm 深型鑄鐵荷蘭鍋(FT9)

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